女性人材育成センター お知らせ









2018's Women Leaders Scholarship students reported their experiences in International Global Internship at Hungary

The scholarship holders for the Women leaders’ scholarship have undergone 10 days of training in Hungary under the theme of “Changes in Women’s views, evaluations and attitudes over the last 150 years in Japan and Hungary”,
Before participating in the training, we received lectures from the university professors about the transition of women's rights, women’s roles in the society, functions of women leaders. We also received a book about Women studies. Given the huge range of 150 years, we decided to focus on the law about women. It is because it is easier to identify the common points in Japan and Hungary for us to do the comparison.
3 out of 5 members traveled abroad for the first time, so we struggled with differences in culture and customs. Despite the struggles, we were able to have invaluable experiences that cannot be gained in Japan, such as taking lectures in English, sightseeing and interacting with local students. We felt that it was difficult to follow the lectures in English and to ask questions in English.
Although there were some obstacles, we were still able to make a satisfactory presentation. In fact, the preparation was done just right before the presentation! 
In our presentation, we were focusing on the following:
・Women status in 150 years ago.  
・Women who took action
・– High economic growth in Japan – Socialism in Hungary
・– The Equal Employment Opportunity Law – Change of regime In Hungary
・Male earnings model
・Current situation in Japan
The Hungarian students were presenting in Japanese while the Japanese students were presenting in English.
Through this presentation, we noticed that there were many people who struggled to equalize men and women status in the last 150 years. We also learned that women in Japan and Hungary have become more active in the society owing to the effort of many people. Currently, the status of women in Japan and Hungary is not completely the same as men.  Therefore, it is time for each and every one of us to stand up and voice our opinions. This would open the way for a society where both men and women can shine.
We, the younger generation, need to communicate our thoughts. Women's evaluations and ideas have been reviewed, but improvements are necessary at the present. Women's opinions and ideas which are currently not protected by the system should be respected and listened to. In order to change such a society, we want our young women to expand their circles by raising their voices and create a brighter society for everyone.
