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- 中欧研究所について
ベルタラニチュ、ボシティアン Boštjan BERTALANIČ
城西大学現代政策学部 准教授
‘Les Rapports Entre Le Japon et Le Royaume Des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes
Lors de La Conference de Paix de Paris’, in Andrej Rahten and Janez
Šumrada(eds.),Les Cinq Grands et La Creation Du Royaume Des Serbes, Croates et
Slovenes, 393–416. Ljubljana: CEP/SAZU/ZRC. 2011
‘Political Culture in Transition: Changing Values and Consolidation of
Democratic Rule in Slovenia, 1991-2004’ , Inter Faculty 2, pp. 27–55.
https://journal.hass.tsukuba.ac.jp/interfaculty/issue/view/2. 2011
‘Exploring the Origins of Japanese-Yugoslav Relations during World War I: The
Case of Yugoslav POWs in Japan,’ , The Electronic Journal of Central European
Studies in Japan, no. 1. 2015
アンドレイ・ベケシュ、山崎信一(編著)『スロヴェニアを知るため60章』 明石書店、
‘Lt. Col. Yanagawa Heisuke and the Demarcation of Prekmurje: A Japanese
Account of the Yugoslav-Hungarian Border Commission’s Activities in 1921-
1922,’ in Žarko Lazarević, Nobuhiro Shiba, Kenta Suzuki,The 20th Century through
Historiographies and Textbooks : Chapters from Japan, East Asia, Slovenia and
Southeast Europe, Ljubljana, 2018, pp.191-202
‘Opportunities and Challenges for V4 plus Japan Relations in the Post-Brexit
EU’,The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan , no.4. 2018
‘Teaching International Relations in Japan : How to Introduce the Yugoslav
Civil War in a Culturally Diverse Classroom’. 『城西現代政策研究 11 (1)』 107–
114ページ. https://doi.org/info:doi/10.20566/18819001_11(1)_107. 2018年
‘Slovenia’s Anti-Harassment Policies in the EU Context’. 『城西現代政策研究 12
ホルバート、アンドリュー Andrew Horvat
『歴史の共有に向けて――戦後ヨーロッパ・アメリカ・アジアの取り組み』(共編) Asia Foundation/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2003年.
‘A Strong State, Weak Civil Society and Cold War Geopolitics; why Japan lags behind Europe in confronting a negative past’, in Shin, Gi-wook et al (eds.), Rethinking Historical Injustice in Northeast Asia, Routledge/Stanford, New York, 2006, pp. 216-34.
‘Japan's News Media––how and why reporters and news organizations influence public policy’ in Kotler, M.(ed.), The Ideas Industry: Comparative Perspectives, Washington DC: The Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2016 pp. 95–133.
‘Japan’s Activist News Media – how and why reporters and news organizations became a positive force in confronting a negative past’ in Burrett and Kingston (eds.), Press Freedom in Contemporary Asia, Routledge, 2019
東海大学、文化社会学部、ヨーロッパ・アメリカ学科 准教授
城西大学経済学部 准教授
‘Silk Waste, Spun Silk, and Meisen Kimono: Technological Transfer and Emergence of New
Industry in Japan from the late 19th Century to the 1930s’, in Miki Sugiura(ed.),
Transformations of Use and Value, c.1700-2000, Tokyo: ICES, Hosei University Publishing,
March, 2019.(2019年3月)
「機械制絹糸紡績とファッションの民衆化 1790-1930」『城西大学経済経営紀要』第
‘Le industrie goriziane e l’Istituto per il Promovimento delle Industrie in Gorizia 1902-1914’
キラーイ、アッティラ Király Attila
城西国際大学国際人文学部 准教授
‘A Debate on Buddhism in Hungary at the Turn of the 20th Century: Christian theologians and intellectuals versus pro- and crypto-Buddhist public intellectuals', The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan, no. 6. (September, 2021)
『ハンガリー語へジャンプ·ハンガリー語教科書 I-II.』 Jump into the Hungarian. Hungarian textbook I-II. Center for Language Education, JIU(学内出版物)、2020年
1956 on Photographs:
- The 1956 Hungarian Revolution, its Visual Heritage and the Iconographic Classification of its Photographs
The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan, no. 5. (May, 2020)
『ハンガリー語学習者の辞書 Magyar tanulószótár』(Dictionary for Hungarian language learners), 城西国際大学(学内出版物), 2019年
‘Some Additional Remarks on the History of Hungarian Buddhism and the Influence of
Buddhism in Hungary at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries: Explorers, Collectors, and First Accounts on Japanese Buddhism and the Buddhist Connection to Japonisme in
Hungary’, The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan, no. 4. (December,
2018) https://www.josai.ac.jp/jices/ejces_j/index.html
‘History of Hungarian Buddhism and the influences of Buddhism in Hungary until the
1920's’, The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan, no. 3. (October, 2017)
『ハンガリー語·日本語の辞書』(Hungarian-Japanese dictionary) Center for Language Education, JIU (学内出版物、第二版)、2018年
『日本語·ハンガリー語小辞典』(Japanese-Hungarian Small dictionary) Center for Language Education, JIU(学内出版物、第二版),2018年
‘A tokiói Jaszukuni-szentély és területe (The Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo and its district)’ in
Antroport könyvek 6. A nemzettudat tárgyiasulásai /Háttértanulmányok a magyarság és az
etnicitás kutatásához/, edited by András A. Gergely and Richárd Papp, Budapest: MAKAT,
2015, 150-178.
‘Sintó szentélyek a csibai partvidéken (Shinto shrines on the maritime coast of Chiba)’ in
Antroport könyvek 2. „...áttekinthetetlen szövedék gyönyörű geometriája...” Féner Tamás
75. születésnapjára, edited by András A. Gergely, Budapest: MAKAT, 2014, 92-109.
‘Benyovszky Japánban (Benyovszky in Japan)’ in 1869/1959/2009. Emlékkönyv a magyar-
japán diplomáciai kapcsolatok kettős jubileumára. (Festschrift for the double jubilee of the
Hungarian-Japanese diplomatic relations), edited by Ildikó Farkas, István Szerdahelyi,
Yuko Umemura, Péter Wintermantel, Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2009, 9-26.
マツシャク、シルビア Sylwia Matusiak
城西大学経済学部 助教
専門・研究分野: アジアとヨーロッパの経済関係(特に日本と中・東ヨーロッパ)
‘The trade relations between Japan and Visegrad Group countries in the light of
Linder's Overlapping Demand Theory’, Josai University Bulletin Department of
Economics, No.37, March 2019.
‘The Trade Relations between Japan and Visegrad Group Countries’, Josai
University Bulletin Department of Economics, No.36, March 2018.
‘Współpraca Japonii i Grupy Wyszehradzkiej’, in Marszałek-Kawa J. and
Wawrzyński P. (ed), Wyzwania gospodarki a polityka państw azjatyckich, Toruń,
柴 宜弘
In Search of a Common Regional History: the Balkans and East Asia in History Textbook,
The University of Tokyo, 2006.
『バルカン史と歴史教育――『地域史』とアイデンティティの再構築 』明石書店、2008年
School History and Textbooks: Comparative Analysis of History Textbooks in Japan and
Slovenia, Inštitut za novejšo zgodvino, Ljubljana, 2013
The 20th Century Through Historiographies and Textbooks: Chapters from Japan, East Asia,
Slovenia and Southeast Europe, Inštitut za novejšo zgodvino, Ljubljana, 2018
柴 理子
城西国際大学国際人文学部 教授
第16号(通巻第66号), 2010年9月
‘Images of the Balkans in the Japanese Media of the Meiji Period’, Godišnjak za društvenu
istoriju XVIII, sv. 3, 2011, Beograd, 2012, pp.7-16
‘Between Japan and Russia: The Balkans in Meiji-Japan’s Newspapers’ in Aleš Gabrič et
al.(eds.), School History and Textbooks: A Comparative Analysis of History Textbooks in
Japan and Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2013, pp.247-255
‘Katerina Todorović(1877-1974): A central European Pianist and the Japanese Reception
of Western Music in the Early 20th Century’ in Žarko Lazarević et al.(eds.), The 20th Century
through Historiographies and Textbooks: Chapters from Japan, East Asia, Slovenia and
Southeast Europe, Ljubljana, 2018, pp.203-220